Fruity Shahi Tukda 


It is a Classic Indian Royal Desert 


White Bread - 8pcs  , Milk - full creame 1/2 litre  , Sugar - 150 gm , Ghee , Cardamom powder 1/4 Teaspoon , Chopped fruits and dry fruits for decoration 


Cut out round shaped bread peices with the help of a bowl or a glass , Keep aside the outcovering of bread . Then shallow fry the bread peices in Hot Ghee until it turns light brown . Make sugar syrup by heating 150 gm sugar with 1.5 cup water boil it for ~5min with continuous stirring. Arrange  the fried bread peices in big bowl and pour the Hot sugar syrup on it sprinkle the cardomom powder and keep aside . Now , start boiling the milk until it remains  1/3 rd . Add 2 tbsp sugar in the milk and cook it for ~2 mins, add chopped dry fuits on the milk then pour this on  Sugar syrup soaked bread garnish , Keep it in fridge for 2 hours .


Garnish  Shahi Tukda with Chopped fruits and dry fruits and enjoy . 


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